Network of Light : Links is the largest database of Holistic and Complementary Therapists and Healers
- covering the UK and Republic of Ireland


Lucis Trust

Establishing Right human relations
Education of the human mind towards recognition of spiritual principles

Exploring the Esential Roots of British Spirituality

The Wessex Research Group Network (WRG Network) is a co-ordinating network and focus for groups and individuals concerned with new areas of research and experience. It is particularly interested in ecological, spiritual, cultural, artistic, historical, and scientific fields and operates in the belief that there is enormous potential in many people for growth of consciousness, which is often stultified by the feeling of being alone through a lack of support. The network has no religious or political commitment to dogmatic belief, its unofficial motto being ‘unity in diversity’.

The Agni Yoga Society was founded in 1920 by Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena.